English Lessons/ Clases de inglés

Children, teenagers, and adults (all levels)
Individual and/or group lessons
Business English / English for travellers
International exams (Cambridge)

Polish up your English by watching American and British films and series. This way, you´ll develop fluency, improve your listening skills, enrich your vocabulary, and get a better pronunciation.
Listen to British radios and get the latest news!
Learn how to write different pieces, such as formal letters, narratives, argumentative essays, academic pieces, and more.
We also work on different fields: Science, Medicine, Literature, History, Current Affairs, Technology, etc.
We read newspapers and magazines from English speaking countries. This way, not only do we learn the language, but also we get acquainted with current affairs, and learn about the culture and customs of those places.
Fun and rewarding lessons!

Contacto: 15 3169 4309
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TallerDeInglesOurEnglishClub

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

WWI, by Eze Rowinski!

World War I


Causes of the war
   In 1871 the dominant nation in Europe was Germany, whose statesman was Otto Von Bismarck. His policy was to keep the peace in Europe. To succeed in doing that he defeated France and Austria-Hungary. He isolated France, to prevent alliances against Germany. France’s suitable ally was Russia, whose best strategy was to attack Germany from two directions and threatened her. Germany signed a treaty with Russia and Austria-Hungary, the ‘Three Emperors’ League’ (Dreikaiserbund) in 1872. Problems began in the Congress of Berlin in 1878; Russia wanted the Ottoman Empire to split into different states to control them. Austria-Hungary prevented Russian expansion making them quarrel. Gradually, the Three Emperors’ League faded away. Bismarck tried to keep them friends. ‘I am holding these two powerful, heraldic beasts apart by their collars,’ he said. But failed.
Prussia had to decide who to support, Russia or Austria-Hungary. She chose Austria-Hungary because she was lying under Germany’s guns. The solid wall against France cracked making a two front war possible.
Finally, Italy, which wasn’t a main power nation, allied the Dual Alliance, because she was fed up with France and the seizure of Tunis, which they lost.


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